When you are first starting out as an adult webmaster, you most likely won’t have the funds for buying paid traffic. However, also experienced adult webmasters rely on free traffic sources, for example, to save costs, get massive amounts of traffic and/or to diversify traffic sources.
The drawback of free traffic is that it usually converts worse than paid traffic, meaning you need bigger amounts of traffic to see conversions. This is not always true though, as free traffic can also be of high quality if it is correctly targeted and if you have no idea what you are doing, buying traffic can lead to big losses.
This leads to the conclusion that everyone should be concerned about free traffic.
Here are 15 ways to get free adult traffic:
1. Twitter
When you promote your sites on Twitter, it is very important to choose the correct hashtags (#). Make them relevant to your niche and research their popularity.
Gaining followers works faster if your profile looks good and you follow people that are interested in your niche.
Special advice: Spy on your competitors’ Twitter accounts and follow their followers. A large amount will follow you back!
Mark the content you post as sensitive or you’ll get banned soon.
2. Tumblr
Tumblr is the best social network for promoting adult content in my opinion. I’ve had great success with my adult Tumblr blogs. Read my Tumblr Guide for Adult Webmasters to replicate my Tumblr strategy.
3. Facebook
Facebook does not allow adult content. However, it is great for promoting new porn actors or dating sites by creating fan pages or regular accounts. Hot girls will get many Facebook friends very fast 😉
Make sure to post non-nude content only!
4. StumbleUpon
The basic principle behind StumbleUpon is that you tell it about your interests and StumbleUpon will then provide you with relevant websites.
Of course many people set up that they are interested in porn.
Add your websites and promote your account by engaging with others.
I have to say that I only had one site that went viral on StumbleUpon and brought massive traffic. I couldn’t replicate that a second time and that’s why I’m not using them anymore.
5. SEO
SEO or search engine optimization refers to making websites rank higher for keywords in the search engines (mostly Google but also Yahoo and Bing).
For example, ideally this blog here should rank for keywords related to adult webmasters, so everybody interested can find my blog.
This can be achieved by using these keywords on the site, e.g. as titles for video, in headlines, in the content itself and/or in meta descriptions. However, stupidly repeating the same keyword again and again will be punished, as it is deemed as unnatural. Also, there is offpage SEO which refers to building links to the site.
Then there is the issue that adult SEO is different from the SEO you would perform on a mainstream website. That’s why I recommend to check out resources such as adultseotraining.com or adultseoblog.com.
A Google spokesperson himself said in the past that “porn is very popular, but nobody links to porn”, indicating that Google is aware of the challenges related to adult SEO.
In my experiments I found that social signals (e.g. tweets) and quality + content of the site are far more important than links.
6. Tube uploading
Tube uploading refers to uploading your videos to porn tube sites. Some allow those videos to be watermarked or there can even be a link to your website underneath the video. It is only worth doing this if you mass upload videos. That’s why I’m using a software for tube uploading instead of manually doing the work. But if you are hardworking and have some spare time, you don’t need any tools.
I’ve written a guide about tube uploading before.
7. Forum posts
You can post your pictures and videos to porn forums such as pornbb.org. Small watermarks on the content will be tolerated. You need to open quite a bunch of threads to see large amounts of traffic.
8. Forum signature
Porn forums are also useful for driving traffic from your signature. Register an account, make a few posts and put your site’s URL in your signature. If others like the stuff you post, they’ll also check out the links in your signature. Some forums do not allow advertising in the signature at all and others have specific rules, e.g. rawporn.org allows you to have a signature with a link to your site if you link from your site to their forum.
9. Image sites
Another great way is to upload watermarked images to image sites, e.g. to imagefap.com. A small watermark is enough to get traffic, I’ve tested it myself. Make sure you have the rights for the images you upload and that you adhere to the site’s rules. Here a relevant extract from imagefap’s rules:
We do not permit:
-Content that is posted on a mass scale to promote, advertise, build traffic at other websites or otherwise call attention to content outside of Imagefap .
Discrete promotion is all that is permitted. We don’t provide a free advertising service.
We are allowed discrete promotion. So do not turn this into one big advertisement with huge watermarks, numerous links everywhere etc.
10. Pin sites
Adult pin sites such as sex.com allow users to collect pictures they found somewhere on the web and share them with others to see. The great thing is that those pin sites often allow a clickthrough link back to the site the picture was on. If someone likes the picture, they’ll often also want to visit the website where it is from.
You can read more about the concept here.
11. Dumps
You can post links to your sites on dump sites, which are basically directories of porn links. An example for such a site would be gotblop.com. You can find more by googling for “porn link dumps”.
12. TGP submission
Some people claim that TGPs are dead – and I think they are right. Of course they can still be useful, but I recommend to spend the effort on the other ways to drive traffic I mentioned here.
Comments on relevant porn blogs and tube sites can be a powerful marketing tool. However, you first need to find out if this is allowed because many admins do not like this kind of promotion – others simply don’t care.
However, do not write spam messages, e.g. by just copying and pasting your link. No one is going to click on such a link and you’ll most likely get banned for spamming.
You need to write an interesting comment, something that makes people want to learn more about your site. Here is such a comment I found on a porn tube (that’s just how I remember it, so it might not be 100% exact):
Wow, watch how those huge black tits bounce. I would love to rub my face between those tits [comment is relevant to the video]. Her name is blabla [useful information for others because 3-4 other commentators asked for her name]. At mywebsite.com, we have a whole category only dedicated to her [no direct call to action, just a recommendation].
Of course some will still mark it as spam, but your chances of success a much higher than by just posting a plain link. Don’t post such comments on my blog though 😀
14. Traffic exchanges
You can exchange traffic with other webmasters, e.g. at PlugRush .
15. Use my methods
Here are my methods that help to get traffic:
Let me know what you think about these free traffic source and if you know any others.
good blog man I am interested in more
Thank you. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the share. Learning more about this industry with every post. =)
Thank you for the nice feedback, Luis.
I have been experimenting on twitter lately and found that there are a lot of huge adult accounts that retweet you when you mention them in your post. They are usually above 100K followers some even have 650k + followers. What I did is I followed them and saw that they were retweeting stuff the were mentioned in usually porn pics and gifs so I did the same. I get a few retweets daily mentioning them and get followers too. I send tweets to them manually and check out what is their main niche to get more chances of getting retweeted. Most of them are doing it for fun and have no monetization in their profile. I have even managed to sneak in a few masked affiliate links in these tweets too.
Fantastic discovery. That’s exactly what we need to do here on my blog. Test things, find something, share it. Thank you for participating!
Love this blog. This article was great.. too bad I already knew most of it. It however was a refresher and got my brain moving again! Thanks.
Thanks for this beautiful article , i am sure that all this will bring you organic traffic . Keep up the good work !
Hello Marvin, i had 5 accounts on twitter and used autopost but i got ban in 3 days, do you know any strategy to avoid bans? really i tired of bans i want to use somthing that can live long time,1-2 months is enought for me but 2-3 days its so bad. i used the same links every post maybe this is the reason that got ban? also can i use this method without auto post? only by follow others? or this method dont work? for me twitter is better for adult traffic than tumblr, sorry for bad english
Did you mark the content you post as sensitive? If not, this could be the reason. You could also try using an URL shortener to mask your links, especially if those are direct affiliate links and not links to a high quality content site. Of course you can do everything manually, it just takes longer.
i promote slutroulette offer with bitly shorten link, maybe should be better to use 3 diferent links every account? i mean every post change link. i didnt mark the content as sensitive, but they said me my accounts suspended because was automatisation and this is spam. what is better, autopost on twitter or just follow others and only 3-5 posts per day? Also i used sex . com traffic but for me didnt work, someone use motherless for traffic but when i used i got ban in the first day, thats why i tired of bans haha. what do you think about reddit? or other ways? to much questions sorry but i want to know
If it’s only a few accounts you can just do it manually. What do you use for automation? Maybe your settings are too aggressive. However, the ban hammer will get you sooner or later anyway if you don’t mark your content as sensitive.
I don’t now enough about reddit yet to give you tips but I’m planing to change that 🙂
i use ifttt with dropbox for autopost, any expirience with sex? i used sex. com but dont know if i got traffic, maybe 5-10 visitors to low, but i posted manualy every 15 minutes for 2 hours but didnt see any traffic or to low i dont know. I dont use post as sensitive i didnt know it how to do it?
I don’t get a huge amount of traffic from sex.com either. But it’s set and forget, at least if you post via RSS feed.
In order to mark your content as sensitive in twitter, go to the settings and under “Content” check “Mark media I tweet as containing material that may be sensitive”.
I used a wordpress plugin to auto-tweet my blog posts and the posts using the API started getting rejected, however I was not banned. I think they are just cracking down on automated posting of adult content. I was not posting at high volume at all so I’m thinking they just don’t like the automation and want users to be personally interactive with twitter. Can’t blame them for that I suppose.
I agree with the tagging of high-follower accounts, many of them will retweet your stuff resulting in more clicks. So far twitter traffic isn’t producing many signups for me. How are you guys doing with twitter traffic?
Thanks for the article. Keep up the nice work.
Hey Johnny, thanks for your information. Twitter doesn’t produce many signups for me either but it can help with traffic…