Guide: How To Make A Porn Site

This method will show you how to make a porn site. Its videos will attract a lot of horny people. You will receive earnings from advertisements, premium memberships and affiliate payments from companies your porn site links to.

The videos on the porn site will be legal, you won’t run into copyright issues and they don’t cost you a single cent! The only costs involved here are for getting a domain name.

This is the layout of one of my porn sites. I’m going to show you how to create a similar one.

Example of a porn site
One of my porn sites in the “MILF” niche

1. Find A Niche For Your Porn Site

At first, you need to decide for a niche, so you can register an appropriate domain name. The niches you can use for this method are limited. However, there are so many niches available that it’s very likely you enjoy one of them.

The following niches are available:

Porn Niches That Are Possible
Decide for one of those niches!

2. Register a Domain

After you decided for a niche, it’s time to register a domain. The domain needs to give a hint what your porn site is about. It is a good idea to combine your niche keyword with a word that indicates a video site. For example:

You should stay with .com/.net/.org domains, as those tend to be most trusted by internet users. Especially adult sites have an image of being shady. Don’t give your visitors reasons to believe that.

I recommend using NameCheap as the place for registering your domain. The reason is that they are a reliable company and you will get a free Whois-protection. That means no one will find out that you are the owner of an adult site. You may not want your boss or your spouse to find out 😉

Activate WhoisGuard

After registering your domain, you might want to enable the WhoisGuard to protect your personal data. For doing this, click on “Manage Domains”. Now, click on the domain you just registered. In the overview, click on “Use an available subscription to start protecting your personal information now!”

enable whois protection

In the next screen, pick your subscription and check the box next to “Enable WhoisGuard and protect my personal information from public access”. Finally, click on “Allot and Enable WhoisGuard”.

Set Up Your WhoisGuard SubscriptionDone. No one will know your real identity from checking the domain. If you like, you can test it yourself by typing in your domain at

3. Register At PimpRoll

You’ve chosen a niche and registered a proper domain name. The next step is to setup a so-called HostedTube, which is a project by the adult affiliate company PimpRoll.

A HostedTube is something like a porn site builder that enables you to easily set up your own porn video site. The videos will be added automatically according to the niche you have chosen. Also, all ads will be displayed automatically and the revenue can be cashed out through your PimpRoll account. The tube is hosted on servers by PimpRoll. Therefore, there is no need to buy web hosting.

How can this be legal? Well, actually you don’t own any rights on the videos. All rights still belong to PimpRoll and their partner companies. The videos stay on their servers. Technically, you are just linking to the videos. They profit from any sales your porn site makes and so do you through the affiliate reward.

To get your own porn site, you first have to create an account at PimpRoll. Give them the info they ask for and please be honest in your application. After they approve your account, what might takes a while, you will be able to log in HostedTube with your PimpRoll login data.

Please note that people from the following countries are not allowed to sign up for PimpRoll:

Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kaliningrad, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.

You guys that are from one of those countries could try out PimpRoll’s competitor

4. Set Up Your Porn Site

In your HostedTube account, click on “New Tube”.

create a new porn tubeIn the next screen, fill out the info that is being asked for. Double-check your domain for spelling errors. Write a short but engaging slogan. Leave the tube type at “Desktop, Tablet & Mobile”. Pick a logo that looks nice and fits to your niche.

I’ve put in some random data as example for you. Please write a better slogan 😀

choose the settings of your porn siteYou can filter for a specific niche by choosing tags and actors, e.g. for your MILF tube choose the tags “milf, mature, cougar”. You can decide if the videos should match ALL of these tags or ANY of them. Take a look at “Your settings return xy scenes” to make sure that your tube will have enough videos. Finally, click “Create Tube”.

filter the content of your porn siteIn the next step, you can start to improve your porn tube.


set up your hostedtubeThe “global” tab should mostly be filled out already. You can insert a Twitter account if you want to create one for your porn tube.

The “content” tab allows you to change which kind of videos should be displayed. You have already made these settings at the beginning of the set up, so there is no need to make any changes.

Set the default language of your tube at the “languages” tab.

The “videos” tab allows you to edit the video length and how many new videos there should be added each day. I can’t think of any reason for not putting the video length at maximum value.

Limiting it may increases premium membership sells, but it is also very frustrating for most visitors. I don’t want any visitors to leave. I want them to come back whenever they are horny, as I believe this to be more profitable in the long run.

Click “Save Changes” when you are happy with your settings.

Click on “Layout” to define the look of your porn site.


set up the layout of your hostedtubeHere is an explanation of the layout settings:

Colors – Choose the colors of your porn site. You can decide for a predefined color scheme or create your own one. Choose what you think your target audience will like most and what fits best to your niche. If you don’t know which colors look good together, you can pick color schemes from Adobe Color CC.

Header – You can upload your own logo here if you want. Also, it allows you to upload a Favicon. A Favicon is a tiny picture that is displayed by most internet browsers that use tabs. For example, the Favicon of is a white A on red background.

Blocks – This is the actual layout of your porn site, meaning where users can find what. Set up the sidebar to be either left or right. After that you can define what blocks of content should be displayed, e.g. a block for the most viewed videos, one for pornstars etc.

I usually want four blocks: most viewed videos, top rated videos, pornstars and categories. Each has 3 or 6 rows, so that my site does not become too big and confusing.

Don’t forget to give each block a title, e.g. “Most viewed milf videos” for your most viewed videos block.choose the content blocks of your porn tubeFonts – The font of your porn site. Choose which one you like. This option is not really important. People come to your site to fap, not to read 😀

Thumbs – Thumbs are the preview images of your videos. You can play with the options to find what looks best. I usually keep the thumbs at the default settings.

Save your changes and then click on “SEO” to check the options for search engine optimization.


set up the SEO settings of your hostedtubeThe SEO settings are:

Links – You can add your own links to your porn website, e.g. a link to another porn tube you already created.

Meta – Give your site some titles and descriptions for SEO reasons. This will take you a while, but it can also bring additional traffic from the search engines. You should add some keywords related to your niche. I’ve written about how to find adult keywords with Google’s Keyword Planner in the past.

Analytics – This enables you to add your porn site to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. You should track the amount of traffic with Google Analytics. Create a new property in your Analytics account and put the ID you will be provided with in the “Google Analytics” field.

Save the changes. This is all you can set up! Please note that you can go back to these settings and make changes at any time.

5. Launch Your Porn Site

The main set up is finished! It’s time to preview your site. For doing this, just click “Preview”. I hope you like your porn site! If you are satisfied, hit the “Publish” button. If you don’t like something, just go back to the editor and change it.

review and then publish your porn site

After publishing, you have to direct your domain to your tube. Log in your NameCheap account and choose “Manage Domains”. Click on your domain and choose “Transfer DNS to Webhost”.

Transfer DNS to WebhostChoose “Specify Custom DNS Servers” and put in the DNS info from HostedTube:

One per line! Save the changes.

The correct namecheap dns setupIt can take up to 24h until your porn site is accessible through your domain name.

6. Drive Traffic to your Porn Site

Congratulations! Your site is live. Great feeling, isn’t it? But what is a porn site without people watching porn on it?

You can drive traffic to your porn site with my other adult methods:

Drive Traffic to your Adult Website on Autopilot

Build an Adult Autoblog and receive Social Media Traffic

Always keep in mind: you are satisfying people’s jack off needs while making money. It’s a win-win situation 😉

Let me know what you think in the comments.

166 thoughts on “Guide: How To Make A Porn Site”

  1. What’s the most you’ve earned from one of these pimproll sites per day? I would have thought because they are almost a “whitelabel” they do badly in search engines. Have you ever tried making your own unique tube site? I wonder what is the best software for having your own tube site.

    • My earnings per site range from $0.10/day and $10/day. I think it’s very important to not just have one site but as many as you possibly can.

      It’s true that those sites tend to rank a bit worse. I think that’s due to duplicate content. However, they can rank in Google. One of my HostedTubes ranks on #8 for a quite competitive keyword.

      I have never build my own. The reason is that I don’t want to get into legal trouble and most of those self-made sites definitely hurt copyrights.

  2. Hi,

    I read this above entire blog and made up my mind to start this up to make money out, but i have few doubts here,

    1. I would like to know that what is the mode of cash-out? i mean is there any option to get paid through PayPal? Payza? or Please let me know all the modes of payment which are available to me.

  3. Hey !
    How long did it take for you to register a Pimproll account ?
    I did it about ten days ago and I still haven’t got an answer…

    Thanks for your help.

    • Hi Peter,

      I registered a long time ago, so I can’t really remember how many days it took to be approved. I recommend that you contact the support by email and kindly ask when your application will be processed. It’s holiday season, so they might not work with full staff.

  4. Hey ! Thanks for this article !
    I registered to PimpRoll and HostedTbe and also built my first tube. The problem is that the layout of the tube builder isn’t the same as yours, and I’m far from having as much customization possibilities as you !
    Did they change their builder or did I do something wrong ?

    Thanks 🙂

    • Hi Pascal,

      I just checked it. You did nothing wrong: the HostedTube admin panel has a new design. I’ll have to update this post and change the screenshots. Thanks for making me aware!

  5. How much control is there over a website’s content.

    Say I’d like to go more niche .. for example “anal dildo teens” instead of “anal”

    IS that possible automatically?

    Is it possible manually (by weeding out non-fitting videos, for example?)

  6. Hello, first I’d like to say your tutorials are fantastic and I’ve read them many times I’ll be buying hosting tomorrow for the ‘autoblogs’.

    On this page you recommend namecheap on the autoblog tutorial you recommend arvixe to set up the autoblogs, could I not use arvixe for this porntube project too using subdomains?

    Secondly, I’d like to set up a private site (possibly on the back of the subdomains or maybe I’d need a separate domain?) where visitors either pay to watch content or pay to join the site (I own the copyright of the adult content as it’s mine) is it possible you could write a tutorial on how to do this or if you could tell us how to do it we would be most grateful for your help.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Hi James,

      thank you for the kind words!

      This method does not require web hosting. You only need a domain (as you said, I recommend Namecheap) and the site’s content is hosted on the servers of PimpRoll without any costs. We cannot work with subdomains here. You would need a new domain for every new niche.

      The adult autoblog method is a bit different: here we need our own web hosting and can work with subdomains.

      You already have your own content and now want to set up a private site. However, this method is for people that do not have own content.

      There are more methods coming about the adult niche, so stay tuned!

    • Hi and thank you for your help about this. First of all sorry for my bad english.
      I´m interested in create a porn tube site, but as I see so much of this tipe of webs, recieve almost the same videos at the same time and i suspect that the videos are included not by the webmasters. The streajming videos are included maybe by a pc system, or a contract thing.
      I really want to make a site like this and could not have the worries about uploading videos when other tube pages get them in that easy way.
      So many thanks

  7. Thank you for such a quick reply!

    I’m going to set up the autoblogs first and see how that goes then take it from there.

    What I’m saying is me and the Mrs have our own content and I’d like to set up a website so people can pay to join or pay just to view the contect they want to see, this would be video clips and photo sets, however i have no idea how to go about doing this and there is a market for amateur sites with it’s own content like ours, I’ve been unable to find any guides on how to set this up.

    I’m looking forward to further tutorials.

    Thank you.

    • Now I know what you mean by “private content” 😀

      I thought you were talking about exclusive content you bought somewhere.

      I would build a membership site, where people have to pay to access all your videos. I’d promote it through building adult autoblogs linking back to the membership site and uploading watermarked videos or short preview clips on all the free porn tubes.

  8. Hi.

    Im trying to sign up but i had few problem my country does not listed in sign up form. Is it possible to sign up at pimproll first registering the domain.

  9. Hey great post and very informative blog, looking forward to reading more content about the adult niche !

    You mentionned that this type of tube site tend to rank worse compared to other solution. Is it possible to just write unique description of each videos you upload through hostedtube ?

    I guess this is a LOT of work but heck… that would certainly bring more seo traffic ?

    Any thoughts ?

    Thanks !

    • No, there is no maximum. You can make millions with this method. It’s just questionable how realistic this is 😀
      Also, you left out an important part: I wrote about the earnings “per site” and you shouldn’t have only one site anyways.

        • Hi Charles,

          there is no limit of sites I’m aware of. How much you need to make a decent living is hard to say because it depends on which niche you choose, how you drive traffic and what amount is enough to make a decent living in your country. I’d recommend that you start with 3-5 sites, learn how to drive traffic and then you can scale everything up until you earn the amount you want to earn.

          • your awesome dude im in the USA i like the way you handle your fans to bad we don’t have enough of your kind in the sates and one more question do u recommend having a blended site no niche in particular just a site that has every type of content

          • Thank you for the nice words Charles!

            I always recommend to use a specific niche. It means less competition and more targeted visitors who will eventually become buyers faster. I believe that having a larger target audience does not necessarily mean that you will make more money.

    • Hi,

      unfortunately, people from the Philippines are not allowed to sign up. They make exceptions from time to time, however, according to the support guy not for the Phillipines. I added an alternative for all you guys who cannot use PimpRoll.

        • Thanks for adding that information Lee. These countries cannot join PimpRoll:

          Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kaliningrad, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.

          I added this list to the post. PimpRoll’s support said to me that they make exceptions from time to time, so it might be worth a try.

          I also added an alternative to PimpRoll.

      • Thank you for all your articles I think this is all great stuff. But, 0.10/day to $10/day hardly seems worth even setting this porn tube up.

  10. Hi,

    Thanks for the article, it is very informative. But I have a question: Can you please explain to me about navigation override (SEo>Meta section) ?

    I don’t seems to understand what they meant by “Allows you to rename the default navigation anchor text”

    I will appreciate it


  11. Hey Marvin,

    Thanks for a great article! You made it very easy for me to understand the process!

    However, I signed up with Hosted Tube and every time I log in it takes me to a blank page that says “Login” at the top left. I haven’t received approval for my account yet so that may be the reason for this.

    If you know anything about this please let me know!


  12. what if i want a membership site allowing my members to view films clips and pics of me fucking hundreds of guys. i am a milf into creampie gangbangs and dogging, theater sex and gloryholes. how is this different

  13. Hi, Marvin!

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. What about a possibility to build a website in languages other than English?

    • Hi Marc,

      thanks for your feedback! Yes, that’s possible. The following languages are available: English, Spanish, German, French, Portugese, Italian, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Swedish.

  14. Hi Marvin!
    Thanks for this useful tutorial! I just created my own hostedtube page.
    But I still have some questions. Is it possible to change titles?

    Thanks for helping!

  15. hi marvin, i have a domain i park on bodis, it has abt 250+ visitors every day but am not earning much, is der a way i can sell the domain or make better cash from this traffic, it has about 500k backlinks?

    • Hi Joe,

      it depends on how targeted your 250 visitors are. 500k backlinks also doesn’t mean much, because it is likely that they are spammy, low value backlinks. Otherwise your site would have more than 250 visitors a day.

      I recommend that you switch from Bodis to HostedTube and check how much you earn there. Then you can still decide to keep it or sell it.

    • I don’t know much about SSNs but aren’t US companies using them for identity verification and tax purposes? The PimpRoll support could provide you with a better answer.

  16. I have set up my domain, pimproll, and host tube account. After filling in hundreds of actors and selecting \”all Channels\” to include on my tube site the total number of \”scenes\” on my domain goes down drastically. When i take off the sponsors the number goes up from 4,000 scenes to 20,000 scenes and I am not allowed to continue to editing the site. what should i do to keep my number of scenes high? and how many actors do you usually list?

    • Hi Robert,

      if you want the number of scenes to go up, you have to remove some of the filters. Don’t worry too much about the number of scenes. 20k sounds good. My best performing website has 12k scenes. I don’t filter any actors.

  17. hi, trying to sing up into Pimproll but I have a doubt , in the
    website information
    Please list all the domains you will be sending traffic from as well as the different types of traic you will be sending, (link list, tgp/mgp, SE Listings)
    and I do not know what to put there

    • Hi husker,

      it depends on how you want to drive traffic to your site.

      “Parking” is always true because we will be parking our domain (with HostedTube).

      Then let’s say you want to drive traffic from Tumblr, then choose Blogs and put the URL to your Tumblr blog there.

      Following from that, the third choice could be “Search Engine” because the blog will get traffic from the search engines and help the tube’s rankings a little bit.

    • I’m not allowed to give legal advice to you because this actually is illegal where I’m from lol. So let me answer this in a general way. Porn is illegal in a few countries. PimpRoll claims to have the necessary rights for the content they host.

  18. Hello.. I am from India and wanted to set up a tube site just for earnings found your information very useful and informative please can you specify how much can I be able to earn in a day through this.

  19. Hi Marvin,

    After all the work down, Can I add my own videos to my website from hard drive ??? (Sorry for bad english).

    Thank you.

  20. hey bro how can we creat a free adult streaming sites?? i want to creat a site like this ((removed by Marvin)) witch they offer free bazzers,realitykings etc vds for free how it is possible what are the steps plz plz can u say or plz email me 🙂

    • This tube hurts copyrights by stealing from those sites. Just Google for the site’s name and you’ll find hundreds of DMCA complaints that have been submitted to Google.

      What the site owners are doing is illegal. That’s certainly not something I want to see on my site; therefore, I removed the URL from your post.

      Stick with stuff that doesn’t hurt copyrights, like this post here, where PimpRoll’s partners let you stream their content voluntary.

      • oh thanks for your advise! 🙂 ok i still have one doubt after that many complaints how they are running still those sites and earning lots of money.

    • Nigeria isn’t mentioned in the list of not accepted countries. I’m not sure though because Nigerians get excluded from a lot of online businesses as you probably know. With “they” you mean PimpRoll?

    • Hi,

      you can change some of the titles by clicking on “titles” within your HostedTube account. You’ll be wasting your time though. Use the numerous SEO options to include awesome descriptions with relevant keywords instead.

  21. Hi Marvin. Nice post and thank you for all the information, it’s hard to find information about pimproll lately.! I am a pimproll user for about 5-6 months and currently earning about $20 per week from my websites. Because pimproll does not have an active community or support I would like to ask you if you get paid normally and if there is a way to lower the $200 limit in order to receive a check. I would like to be able to get paid the $100 I have made and not wait another 5 months..

    • Hi,

      the PimpRoll email support is active and answers very fast – at least that’s my experience. The support guy is not very friendly, but he definitely fixes problems etc.

      The best way for you is to apply for Paxum payout because with the Paxum credit card you can cash out at any ATM around the world that accepts Mastercard. If I remember correctly, the limit with Paxum is also only $100. I can’t find information in my account about the exact limit though, so you better ask support to be sure.

    • There is actually a screenshot of one of my site’s in this post. I’m not sharing any direct links though, as there is not much positive that can come out of that. My competitors are reading everything here too.

  22. Hi Marvin,

    Nice article man. I tried to register on pimp roll, there is this section called website information where they are asking list of domains that i will be sending traffic from. Can you please shed some light on this section. Apologies if its totally naive question.

    • Hi Pavan,

      thanks for your feedback. Yes, you have to put in the sites from where you will be sending traffic. I’m sending traffic from social media, so I would put in the URLs of my Tumblr blogs for example. You could also give them the URL of an adult autoblog or any other website.

  23. Sorry for spamming your website with my questions the Support desk at Pimproll takes ages to reply to my email.

    Can you give me a little more information about the check payment option?
    Can I accept the check with any bank ?
    And whats the process never worked with checks in my entire life

    • I’ve no idea about checks either. I recommend to use Paxum. They have low fees and with their credit card you can cash out at ATMs around the world.

  24. Hello Marvin,

    I wanted to start my own website, I came acrossed your Blog and found it to be very informative. I love how you give step by step and you are very detailed. I am having trouble with Hosted Tube. I signed up with Pimproll and was excepted right away. However the Hosted Tube feature has said Temporarily under maintinance now for over a week. So I have not been able to do anything yet. I am in the US, so it should be supported right?

    • Hi Phil,

      thanks for the kind words. Really appreciate your feedback.

      Regarding HostedTube, they currently do not allow new registrations. I added a hint on that to this post a few days ago. Unfortunately, there is nothing else I can do about it. For now, I recommend to sign up for, which is very similar to HostedTube. I’m hoping that PimpRoll will reopen HostedTube to new accounts soon.

  25. I signed up for Pimproll and a week later they approved it but whenever I go to Hostedtube and click on “new tube” it always gives me this message that says “System is temporarily under maintenance, we’re sorry for inconvenience”. That’s been going on for about a month now, how long is it usually down for?

    Also I’ve bought another domain name and made an account at easyxsites to see which site is better for me and I’m stuck on page 11 of the get started guide, when it says to click on “tube tools/go to dashboard”. Whenever I do that it starts to take me to my site but then redirects me to the dashboard on easyxsites. I went to support and we went back and fourth and eventually they said to delete it and make it again. I did and still the same problem. What am i doing wrong and how can i fix it?

    • Hi,

      HostedTube is currently closed for new registrations. Existing users are not affected. That’s all info I have. I hope they are reopening soon.

      Regarding easyxsites, try another browser! If that doesn’t help it must be an issue with their website, I recommend to contact support again.

  26. Hello Marvin,

    I own a great domain name and looking forward developing a video streaming porn site
    before I advertise for developers to build my website I came across with your blog and
    I am seeking help with development, I am not computer or I T savvy, I read your complete
    blog but still have difficulty, can you help me I don’t have big budget.

    Mike Mcbull

  27. Hello ! Can you tell me another tube host for me ?? Since Hosted Tube does not work and I cant seem to get easyxsites to work properly,the site fails many times.Can you give me a simple and free one please ?

  28. This is lovely. Please I’d love to know the kind of ads pimproll place, if they’re PPC or PPM or otherwise. Thank you,

    • It is a mix of CPM and affiliate. I get most money from the affiliate program, so people signing up for stuff etc. and PimpRoll then shares the revenue with me.

  29. Hi Marvin,
    New to this game but after many days of futile searching I finally found your site and wanted to say thanks. Everything is easy to understand and feels genuine. Going to give it a shot. Already purchased a couple of domains through and going to get hosting through tomorrow. Thanks again. Jeff

  30. Thanks for the reply Marvin,

    Quick question (I know your time is valuable. I am trying to make any questions as short as possible only when I get stuck.). Do I need to have my site up and running before I apply to PimpRoll or easyxsites?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Not sure about easyxsites but for PimpRoll, yes. Please note that PimpRoll’s HostedTube (where you get video porn tubes) is currently closed for new registrations.

  31. Hi, i’m looking for someone who want to create a website with me. A gallery website like but more modern and design. I have knowledge of webmaster, If anyone is interested , reply.

  32. Hi Marvin,
    I just wanted to thank you. Bought a couple domains a few days ago, got a PimpRoll account and put up a site today. I am no longer an adult web site virgin. This is the ONLY place I have been able to find a well written, concise, step by step plan. Thanks again – I will keep you posted.’

      • Quick question Marvin,
        I thought I had everything covered. I used for domain and for content. I transfered DNS to webhost via and waited 24 hours and when I go to my site I get error “This webpage is not available ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED” Any ideas where to start? Once again thanks for your time. Jeff-

  33. Hello,
    When creating a hosted tube, there are banner spots that say “300×250 Advertisement”.

    Are we able to place banners there or is it done automatically after placing my “id” in the sponsor list?
    Could you explain the ways Pimproll credits the webmaster…signups, per click, etc.

    Also, all the affiliate programs in Pimproll, can we use them with our own separate hosting? I’m guessing yes.
    Love your articles!!!

    • Hi Gary,

      1) Not sure about that one.
      2) HostedTube pays for CPM and sign ups.
      3) Yes, you can use the affiliate links on your other sites.

      I also have a question to you, when did you sign up for HostedTube? Is it open again?

      Thanks for your feedback!

      • Hi Marvin!
        Thanks for the reply!!!
        I can’t remember when I signed up for Pimroll but I’m thinking it was about 2 months ago.
        For hosted tube, I just did that a few days ago. I’m not sure if it let me sign up because I was already
        a Pimproll affiliate.
        So what I did was email Pimproll and ask them if someone can register to become an affiliate now…
        if registrations are open.
        As soon as they reply, I will let you know so all your readers can get the info.
        Have a great weekend!

    • Depends on the laws that apply to you. Those are different from country to country and sometimes even from state to state. Some do not require a business until amount xy is reached, others are more strict. Pimproll itself can be used and payment be requested without having a business.

  34. Hey Marvin!,

    First of all, very good blog! lots of good quality content for us newbies around here,
    I wanted to ask you if you have gotten the chance to play around with a
    new adult tube script called wp-script it can import thousands of adult videos as described on
    their website, please check their site and if you can provide some feedback:

    If you have any time to see how the script works, please let us know cause I was thinking of buying it
    but I haven’t gotten any real reviews so that’s why I decided to ask you and see if you can shed some light on this.


    • Hi Ron,

      I have been contacted by this company before. I hope you are not part of their marketing team lol. When they started out, they were extremely expensive. Seems they adjusted their prices now. I believe it is worth a try as I find it looks useful and the pricing is now reasonable as well.

  35. LoL After I second read my post, it did sound almost like if I was part of the marketing team, but no way, I’m just an upcoming adult webmaster and trying to get the best tools to get the job done, well if you by any chance get the time to review please let us know, I might go ahead and purchase it, but I will wait at least one to two weeks more before I find other trustful reviews cuase I don’t want to throw away 200 dlls for poor product, I have this script delivers as it seems very promising.

    Thank you so much Marvin, I’ll wait just a little bit more till I decided to purchase.

    Thanks again.

    • No worries, I knew you weren’t advertising for them haha. I don’t know if you have seen it yet but they offer a 7 days free trial. I recommend you try it first before buying.

  36. Hey Marvin,
    Since I decided to venture into the adult webmaster world I’ve spent time on forums and searched the web for sources of knowledge and help as a newbie and it would appear you are the goto guy in the adult world.
    That being said, I have a question about HostedTube I’m hoping you can answer. Do they allow sub-domains at all that you are aware of? It would be nice to be able to get multiple niche sites from one domain. Also, in the site management area where they have the sponsors tab, how can I utilize that. I have several sponsors entered in there but I don’t see a way to implement anything other then adding my id. I have a few sites on easyxtubes set up and I can pull content from the sponsors but I don’t see a way to do that on HosteTube. Does it automatically pull content from the sponsors?
    Thanks in advance if you can give some advice on this.

    • Hello Smokie,
      HostedTube does not allow subdomains. As for your other question, all content on hostedtube is sponsored content but you have less control over where it should pull it from exactly.

  37. how long does it take for pimproll and hostedtube to review my application?; I did send it one week ago, is it normal?, are there any other options beside pimproll and hostedtube?; thanks.

  38. Hi Marvin,

    I really appreciate the work you put into this. That’s impressive! Also i like that there is no unanswered message. You must really like this and it’s great :).

    I’m from Europe as well (actually, Your east-neighbor), and I need to diversify my earnings a little bit. I’m young, I’m not thinking about milions from an almost-free porn sites, but It would help me with my studies for sure. BUT, there is a possibility that our page will be amazingly discovered by some huge tibia-players forum (I hope I did not offend anyone;)) and it will bring a lot of money. What then – do we always have 100% rights to the page? Can we ‘move’ the page to another hosting, or somehow incease it, cooperate with bigger sites? Or this kind of model is recommended for a small pages (but to create dozens of them for example, as You said), and with bigger ambitions it’s better to create everything on our own? I think this could be helpful even to get the know-how.

    I also tend to choose easyXsites (to be honest, their YT video made a good impression on me – but my country is not on the ‘list’. But maybe there is a key difference why You recommend the other one?)

    I hope that everything I wrote is clear, as my english is still not perfect.

    Thanks in advance and have a good day

    • Hey Wiktor, I’m glad you like this site and your English is good, no worries 🙂

      I’m not sure that tibia-players convert on a hosted porn tube. As for the rights, if you don’t do something against their affiliate terms, there is not much to worry about. But for the flexibility you want, I’d suggest building a tube or a different kind of site on your own domain. Like this you are most flexible when it comes to cooperating with bigger sites, changing hosting, adding your own ads and so on.

      As for easyXsites, yes they are good. I just have more experience with HostedTube.

  39. hey man cheers a for the guild but i have it all up and running and active but i got no videos on my site????? how do i add them ? cheers

  40. i read your blog and i really appreciate the effort you did to help others, and i’m relying on your generosity to help me too…

    i have a domain now on namecheap and hosting service on webhostingpad. i made the website using wordpress in order to host a porn collection i have, it’s legal because it’s amateur, arabic to be exact.

    but now i’m stuck and i would like to host a website using a service like but for arabic amateurs because i can’t setup the website correctly.

    thanks in advance

    • First off, just because it’s Arabic amateurs, it doesn’t mean you have the legal rights to use the content 🙂

      If you want to use your own content and have an individual website, you should try a tube script like Mechbunny or the free version of Smart Tube Pro. Using WordPress as a tube script works too, at least until a certain traffic level is reached.

  41. Great tutorial and followup Marvin. thanks. Have couple of questions?
    1. When I select a niche, does that mean I should have videos only for that niche on my site?
    2. When u create a tube site, i think there is an option to create link to video OR download that video to your host and olay it in ur site player. What diff does that make in terms of traffic? (Question is not related to your mentioned method of pimproll though)

    • Hey Hima,
      I’m glad you like it!

      1. correct! For example, if you choose big tits as niche, all vids on the site should contain busty babes.
      2. Vids on your server might be a bit better in terms of traffic but it’s also a lot more work and bandwith if you host them.

  42. Hey Marvin – first off thanks for all your hard work on this site! I appreciate how detailed your tutorials are. I got set up on hosted tube but I see that I only have 200 scenes live out of 10,000+ available in my niche. I made my keyword match was as broad as possible so don\’t know what\’s going on. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  43. Hi Marvin, I just created a Tube site using Hostedtube and change my DNS settings on my domain. Hostedtube showing my domain is active but I don’t see any videos. Can you help me with that?

    • Hello Jack,
      if you still have the problem (maybe it was just temporary, right after the DNS change) I’d suggest you contact Hostedtube support in this case, I don’t really know what causes the videos missing.

  44. Hi Marvin
    many thanks, you give out so much information, it must take up a lot of your time.
    Just one question, you mention easyXsites as an alternative to hostedtube. Can you tell me how earnings are made from them as it’s not that clear to me.

  45. Hi!
    1. do you happen to know the reason why pimproll does not serve the countries mentioned(specifically the Philippines) ?

    2.will hiding my personal info in the domain be enough in becoming completely anonymous?

    hope some of my questions will be answered.


    • 1. I don’t know, you can write them an email and ask, they are nice guys.
      2. As far I know you do not become completely anonymous like this. It prevents spam from bothering you but if you do something against the law, I don’t think the registrar protects you. It probably depends on the registrar how fast your info is revealed in such a case.

  46. Hi Marvin,
    you mention staring with 3-5 sites do you prefer to keep these in the same niche or to test different ones to see what performs the best?

      • Can you list what you think the big niches are? I have picked my niche for my first 2 sites. But I am curious what you think are too competitive niches.

        • Without doing a research I’d say the five biggest (straight) niches are: Hardcore, Anal, Amateur, Teen, Lesbian

          But picking the really big niches means having a lot of competition. That’s why I mostly concentrate on smaller niches nowadays.

          • Thanks Marvin,

            BTW I tried to sign up for Pimproll using your link… and ended up on a 404 page here I am sure you are losing valuable referral traffic as a result. I would check your plugin or php file that masks your links. Can you reply with your link so I can sign up as your referral thanks.

          • Yeah my niche is Ladyboys… I love those horny sluts. Probably not too much competition there.

  47. Marvin,

    This site is great and provides a lot of helpful content. Thank you for authoring it all. Also great to see that you reply to comments and try to help folks out.

    I want to give this a try and I’ve registered a few .com domain names for some niches. After reading your blog, I am thinking that some sort of pre-made tube site focusing on specific niches is what I need. This seems to be the easiest path for someone without technical knowledge and for someone who wants to do this on a very part-time basis.

    My question is this:
    Now that it’s 2016, there are many options for these hosted tube sites. I’m seeing PimpRoll, easyXsites, HostedTube, and a few others. I’m based in the US so I don’t have restrictions on which one I can use. All of them seem to do the same thing but there has to be some differentiation that I don’t know about. Which one would you recommend I start with?



    • Building your own tube takes more time and there is a bigger learning curve but you can make much more money. If you have never done this before, I’d go for HostedTube though, because it takes less time to get your site up and running. Later, with more technical knowledge, you can still build your own tube.

  48. I have looked online of how to make my own porn videos, I see these videos that guy goes overseas to Asia and picks ladies up and films them on video, how would I be able to do a site like that legally, I would guess need to pay the ladies but what kind of legal paper work and things like that would I need to make me videos like that with women in Asia.

  49. Hi!
    I just want to ask if you are using pimproll on ALL of your porn tube sites? I really like to use adult video script(i got a copy from a file sharing site) i don’t know if this copy is usable. and one more problem is the script installation, it is a very technical stuff you know…
    so it wonders me if pursuing services like easyxsites is less profitable than using an adult video script w/ hosting? or are they are equal?
    are you using adult video script to some of your sites?
    thanks. 🙂

    • Hello Raffydoo,
      I don’t know this script but besides Pimproll I also create my own wordpress porn tubes. Some of them are doing pretty well. I’d say if done right running your own site is always more profitable than using a service like HostedTube or easyXsites.

  50. Any idea why at easyXsite nothing happens ? No bug fixes no support ex. 1 time the week? Sponsors that don’t exist anymore, no Redtube import possible. This thing is dead.

  51. Hi

    First of all, gob job whit the tutorial.

    I found it, because I am loonking some help for my tube.

    I created the tube on hostedtube two days ago and I didn´t see any video. I wrote the dns on my domain, just how hosttube request.

    What do you think is the problem?

    In “my tubes” on hostedtube

    “DNS= Active” “Status = Active” “Pending= no”


  52. Hi marvin,

    Great tutorial, I have a quick question regarding dns. when you go to create a tube it says “You must update DNS on your domain AFTER your tube has been created, failure to do so within 24 hours will result in deactivation. Don’t create your tube until you’re ready to switch your DNS. You will be provided with DNS servers after your tube is created” where do I go to get the the provided dns ? thanks


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