Earn Money Online with Adult Autoblogs

This method for earning money online will teach you how to create a blog that automatically publishes content (a so-called autoblog). This autoblog will post pictures to social networks and receive big amounts of social media traffic.

Autoblog Google Analytics
500 Visitors/Day on Autopilot

While this is possible with every niche that exists, I prefer doing this for the adult niche. The adult niche is a very big and financially strong niche. The problem is that it’s very hard to get on the top positions on Google for any adult keyword. Fortunately, this method relies on traffic from social networks and so you are independent from the search engines.

It’s time to get your piece from the big cake of the adult niche!

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Adult Niche Ideas

adult niche ideas featured image

This post will be helpful if you are struggling with finding ideas for your adult website. I will give you an appetizer that hopefully gets you interested in the adult niche and then you’ll get over 50 adult niche ideas. Finally, I will show you how to find adult keywords with Google’s Keyword Planner.

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How To Get Approved By CrakRevenue?

CrakRevenue website

CrakRevenue being a private CPA network means that you need to submit an application first before you can promote their offers.

If you have no idea what CrakRevenue is and how you can earn money with them, please check out my CrakRevenue review.

The CrakRevenue team claims in their blog that around 60% of all applications are declined. That means you need to submit a high quality application, so you can be part of the 40% happy adult webmasters 😉

My website got approved without being a top-notch website. It was just a simple, clean WordPress site with some adult content on it. The key part for getting accepted lays in the application itself.

Follow these points to get accepted by CrakRevenue (or any other private CPA network):

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